Increase in Conveyance Allowance for the Govt Employees Since 1987

Conveyance Allowance Rates have been changes many times during the last three decades. Here I am giving you the detail of Increase in Conveyance Allowance for the Govt Employees Since 1987.
I have already published the articles Increase in Medical Allowance Since 1987 and History of Adhoc Relief Allowances. Keeping on this serial I am today publishing the detail of the Conveyance Allowance Increases since 1987. The detail is as under:

Increase in Conveyance Allowance Since 1987

I have divided the Increase in Conveyance Allowance history in four categories that are mentioned below with detail:

Increase in Conveyance Allowance with effect from 01-07-1987

Category Rates of CA
The Government Employees  who drawing pay of Rs. 1650/- per month and above: -(a) The Govt Employees  maintaining motor car that is not registered for commercial purpose
(b) Others Employees
Rs. 285 per month

Rs. 150 per month
Government Employees drawing basic pay of Rs. 850/- per month and above but less than Rs. 650/- per month and maintaining their Motorcycle or Scooter. Rs. 100/- per month
Other Employees Rs. 70/- per month

Increase in Conveyance Allowance with effect from 01-06-1994

Category Rates of CA
Government Employees drawing basic pay in BPS 16 (Gazetted) and above and maintaining their motor car not registered for commercial purpose. Rs. 355/-per month 
Government Employees drawing basic pay of Rs. 3240/P.M and above other than those at (i) above. Rs. 193/- per month 
Government Employees drawing basic pay of Rs. 1688/- per month and above but less than Rs. 3240/- per month and maintaining Motorcycle/Scooter. Rs. 130/- per month
Other Employees  Rs. 96/- per month 

 Increase in Conveyance Allowance with effect from 01-12-2001

Category Rates of CA
Employees of BPS-16 (Gazetted) & above  Rs. 620/- per month
Employees of BPS-11 and above Rs. 340/- per month
Employees of BPS-1 to BPS-10 maintaining Motor Cycle/ Scooter Rs. 230/- per month 
Employees of BPS-1 to BPS-10 Rs. 170/- per month

Increase in Conveyance Allowance with effect from 01-07-2005 to onwards

BPS 01 to 04 05 to 10 11 to 15 16 & Above

01-07-05 340 460 680 1240
01-07-08 680 920 1360 2480
01-07-11 850 1150 1700 2480
15-10-11 1150

01-07-12 1500 1500 2000 5000
01-09-12 1700 1840 2720 5000
01-07-14 1785 1932 2856 5000



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